You may post any queries related to Australian Visa and Citizenship here, we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.
Reader Interactions
Aakash Mehtasays
Hi Jack, Hope you are well. My Mom is 59 years of age and is currently in Australia on Visa class / subclass FA / 600 which is ending on 1st Dec (she entered AUS on early Dec 2019 and had a 1 yr extension of Tourist Visa due to COVID19). I had 2 questions: 1) Can I apply 143 visa for her before applying for extension of tourist Visa and is she eligible for getting a Bridging Visa after that? 2) Can she continue staying here for longer by applying for an extension of her tourist visa / bridging visa with after her 143 visa application has been lodged OR any other Visa? Let me know if this requires me to book an appointment with you, ok to do so.
Thanks Aakash for booking an appointment with us.
As discussed, unfortunately, Bridging visa A is not available for 143 applications made after 24 March 2021.
Depending on the conditions attached on the current tourist visa, if there’s no 8503 condition, your mother can apply for an extension with a new visa like another tourist visa, student visa, or 870 visa.
Hi ,
I am planning to apply 143 visa for parents who are indian citezens.
How much is the service fee if we apply through you?
Usually , what is the processing time for 143 visa?
Hello, my father is 74 years old and we have applied for 143 visa in December 2020.
What would be our best option to get him here ASAP and get a bridging visa?
thank you
I’ll need to know more about your circumstances before I am able to provide you with proper advice. I may assist you in exploring all the available options for you to consider. There are some feasible options that can get your father here and have a bridging visa granted.
Hi, Jack,
I have received you details from FB page,
I and my wife applied visa class143 in 15 May 2017. We have only daughter and she is Citizen and still no news about the visa, We are in Australia from20th March 2020 continuously still here and having Visa class 600 valid till 09 June 2022. Now My question is, can we apply a brigging visa to continue stay till we get our 143 processed and get grant letter, as we do not want to go back to home country. Pls reply.
Waiting your reply with solution,
Have a Good week end.
Dear Bipin, thanks for your enquiry. Please forward me the following to, and we’ll offer you a free assessment for the eligibility.
• your 143 acknowledgement letter from the Department
• your visa grant letter at the time when the 143 application was submitted
• your current 600 visa valid grant letter or any other valid visa
• when you last entered Australia (like flight ticket receipt)
Hi Jack,
Hope you are well , heard a lot about you and your work ethics from friends . Just had a query and would appreciate if you could respond
My mother is 76 years old and currently in Australia on a visitors visa 600 sub class . I am planning to apply for her 884 visa (Temp contributory aged parent Visa) and had a few queries
1) As soon as we apply for 884 (as she is currently in Australia) will she get a bridging visa immediately on her application till we await the outcome of the application, assuming there is a wait period of 1.5 to 2 years to get the 884 Visa.
2) Also if she gets a bridging visa (till she is granted the 884 visa) will she be eligible for Medicare while on the bridging visa
3) Once we receive the Medicare on 884 visa (884 visa is valid for 2 years) and apply for 864 visa (total wait period is 5 years) . Can we still get the Medicare renewed after 884 visa period is over and awaiting response on 864 visa application (after 2 years of receiving 884 visa and awaiting response post application on 864 visa)
4) For 884 visa when do we need to pay the initial $33K – first payment , after the 884 is granted with 1.5 to 2 years wait period ? or when we immediately apply for 884 visa – when we receive the bridging visa
5) Assuming the first payment for 884 Visa is around $33K and when we apply for 864 visa and the 864 visa is granted we pay the remaining $19 k . Does this amount ($33k + $19K) include the Assurance of support or is this separate over and above this amount ?
You may consider applying for 884. However, the waiting time will be much longer than 2 years. It may be over 15 years now. You may ascertain your medicare eligibility by contacting Centerlink as it’s out of our scope of services.
To explore all the available options like 804/884/864, or other possible options, I need to know more about your circumstances, please book an appointment with us. I will explain to you in detail.
Hi Jack
My parents (both aged 73) have a Tourist Stream Visa 600 issued on Feb 27, 2019 and Visa Expiry Date being Feb 27, 2022. They have visited Australia on this from Aug 2019 to Feb 2020.
The following conditions exist –
8501 – Maintain health insurance
8558 – Maximum 12 months stay in 18 months
8503 – No further stay
8101 – No work
8201 – Maximum three months study
They would be travelling and visiting Sydney on Nov 23, 2021 and I have booked their return ticket on Feb 25, 2022
My question is categorised under – Short Term Goal and Long Term Goal, as below:
Short Term – I am wanting their stay to be longer and stay for a total of 6-10 months.
Long Term – I am wanting the 8503 condition to be waived off so that i can apply 864 and also bridging (during this visit of theirs).
Appreciate your guidance here and if the above are doable then can proceed.
Regarding your queries:
1. The expiry date on the VEVO will be changed once your parents’ enter Australia. It will become 12 months from the date of entry.
2. The Department will not process your 8503 removal application toward the end of the expiry date. Also, the exceptional reasons should be based on the time towards the end of the visa. A lot of things will change in a year and we cannot provide you with specific advice until that time.
3. Generally, condition 8503 is very difficult to be waived. The alternative option is to apply for a new 6-months tourist visa for your parents now with all the related documents to address the Genuine Temporary Entrants criteria in the hope of getting one without the condition 8503. In any event, your parents will be required to do a medical examination.
Hi Jack,
My husband and I are in Australia with 870 visa and have got covid concession bridging visa. We applied for the 143 visa in Aug. 23rd 2017. I have couple of questions as below.
1. Can I work and get medicare with the covid concession bridging visa?
2. Is there any effective way to escalate 143 cap increase issue to the government? I know there are over 9000 applicants queued between May and June 2017 which will take 2 and half years to process their 143 visa under 3600 cap a year.
Thank you for your answer in advance.
My nephew (23 years) has been in Australia since April 2016. He came initially on tourist visa followed by student, 485 and got permanent residenship in May 2021. He is the only child and wants his mum to be here permanently as his father passed away in 2017. His mum is 51 so what would be the best visa to start with. He is happy to spend on contributory parent visa.
Dear M,
Thanks for your enquiry. Considering his mother’s age, there are few options available. Please note that the contributory parent takes around 20 years to process if your nephew decides to join the queue now. The situation can only be changed if the Department raises the quota. Now, there are over 70,000 contributory parents in the queue, and the current quota is 3600, where:
• 3475 – contributory parent visa
• 125 – retirees to contributory parent visa
And the non-contributory parent visa takes over 50 years to process.
Your nephew may consider lodging a parent visa and then consider an 870 visa, which will allow his mother to stay in Australia for up to 10 years.
Kind regards,
Hi Jack
My mom is in Australia on Visitor visa 600 and end of her 12 months period which will be early March 2023 I was thinking to apply for Aged Parent Visa so that she could stay longer. But the confusion is this visa needs to be of pension age which is 67 born after 1 Jan 1957. Her DOB is 15 March 1957 so can I still apply for this visa when she will be 66 years and 6 months or can I apply only after she reach 67 that is after 15 march 2023 or only after 1 july 2023. Your help would be highly appreciated as its hard to understand this pension age for the application of this visa.
Dear Liza,
If your mother was born on 15 Mar 1957, she can only apply for an aged parent visa after 15 Mar 2024, provided that she also meets other related criteria like not subject to 8503 condition etc.
Kind regards
Sorry Jack
Wrong calculation. You are right. Thanks a lot. Is there a way for her to apply for another visa to stay here more as she has the condition on this visa that in 18 months only 12 months stay. And this visa is still valid until 2025.
Dear Liza,
If you need specific advice, I’ll need to know more about your circumstances before I am able to provide you with proper advice. I may assist you in exploring all the available options for you to consider. Please book an appointment here, and make the consultation fee of $150 as required.
Kind regards,
in the foi that you have used for the calculator, it shows as queued month (for 103 visa)
is the queue date now the date of acknowlegement? meaning should we disregard the queue date we were given? as the date of acknowledgement and queue date are two years apart.
I am trying to decide if it worth to wait.
Dear Nel,
Yes, you should use the application date instead of the queue date. The queue date is not relevant for processing time calculation.
Kind regards,
Im an Australian Citizen, and I have been here for 7 years.
I want my family from Colombia to move here ASAP, I know there is not bridging visa associated with Contributory Parent visa 173 and 143 even if they are applied onshore. My mum moved to Colombia last year in December. She didn’t cancel her student visa, so her student visa expires in the middle of next year 2022. So my question is, -if my mum can include her husband in her student visa and get a student visa for my sister as well?
-And if there is any way my family can stay in Australia for a few years as a STUDENT while waiting for the parent visa 143 or 173? Or what other options do we have in order for them to live here while they receive the parent visa?
-Also, would it be better if they apply for SC173 first and then SC143 if we can’t afford $43,600 for EACH applicant because applying for SC173 is good to spread the costs across 2 years? but I have also read that if I apply for SC173 and then SC143 is more expensive? How much more expensive?
Can you please help me to answer these questions. I have been thinking about starting the application process as long as my parents can come here ASAP and stay here while waiting for the Contributory parent visa.
Thanks for your enquiry. Your situation is fairly complicated. To ascertain your parents’ rights and obligations, you may want to book an appointment with us.
Hi Jack, I have a question pertaining to citizenship . A few details before my question
I first entered Australia on a 189 PR Visa ( never visited Australia before this) on Dec 2nd 2017. I departed on 11 Dec 2017 and moved permanently to Australia in May 2022
When I enter the above dates of absence in the residency calculator , it asks me to re-apply in May 2025
The eligibility requirements state that one needs to be living in Australia for 4 years including last 12 months as a Permanent Resident
Based on the above , I would have expected the residency calculator to spit out a date in 2026
Is there an explanation for this discrepancy ?
To meet the residence requirement, you are required not to leave Australia for over 12 months in total for the past 4 years, and you must not be outside Australia for over 90 days for the past year.
Hi Jack,
The travel permit on 189 PR visa expires in Oct 2022. My PR was issued in Oct 2017 but I only moved permanently to Australia in May 2022. I now need to travel overseas to care for my parents. I have a full time job in Australia since May 2022
What are the chances of me getting approved for a 1 year RRV ?
What documents should I provide to justify ties to Australia ?
Any “gotchas” I should be aware while filling up the form ?
Dear Dan,
Every case is different. We are unable to comment on a specific case without sufficient background information. You may want to seek professional assistance.
Kind regards,
Hi Jack,
I am writing on behalf of my husband Venkata.
This visa is for my mother-in-law.
She is currently in Australia with us on Visa 600 without an 8503 visa condition and arrived in Australia in 2021 Dec. Her visa has a maximum stay of 12 months in 18 months period.
Both(That includes my husband) children are here as PR.
She had a brain stroke in 2017 with right-sided paralysis and she was here in Australia from January 2019 to October 2019 with a visa 600.
Now when she had come to Australia this time in Feb 2022 she had another Brain stroke which led to her Memory loss.
She has no caregiver in India, so we want to extend her stay to at least 3 yrs.
Please suggest us to how we can get her extension.
Let us know if we need to book an appointment to discuss this with you.
Dear Naga,
Thanks for your message. Generally, a visitor visa cannot be used as a residence visa unless the holder has exceptional reasons to justify the case. The residence requirement is provided under condition 8558. You may want to seek other options depending on your mother’s circumstances. You can book an appointment with us so that we can provide you with specific advice after knowing your situation.
Kind regards,
Hi Jack, I applied for my parents non- contributory visa subclass 103 back in 2014. Jack my question is:
” if I apply for contributory visa subclass 864 (onshore) now, will the immigration consider my waiting period (8 Years) when I applied Non Contributory Visa in 2014″.
My father is now 70 Years and my Mother is 67 Years old. My priority is that my parents should have Medicare as soon we apply the visa.
Dear Rajwant,
Under the current policy, if the switch from 103 to 864 is done properly, the time in the old queue will roll over, which means that the new parent visa application will be queued ahead of other existing contributory parent visas. As you are not our client, we cannot provide any specific advice under the Code of Conduct.
Kind regards,
according to the foi, for the non-contributory visa it seems to be based on the queue date, and not the acknowledgement date (as per the calculator on your website it is the acknowledgement date). can you please check.
Thanks for the feedback. The FOI was unclear about the number that has not been finalised yet. We have made our own request. The figures will be updated when we receive the statistics from the Department.
Your information is wrong on the RRV page. You state:
If you enter Australia on 25 Jan 2020 and leave on 27 Jan 2020, during this period, your days staying in Australia is 2.
Hi Jack,
Happy New Year ! I’d like to explore if I qualify under the Ministerial Discretion program for Citizenship
I had a 189 residence visa issued to me back in Oct 2017. However, I only moved to Australia permanently in April 2022.
While overseas , I was in a long distance relationship with an Australian citizen from Sep 2020 onwards – We couldn’t meet up due to travel restrictions at the time and our contact was over chat and calls . After moving to Australia we got married and are now living together
Based on the above information – Can you comment or advise if I stand a chance to qualify under the Ministerial Discretion program ?
Dear Dan,
Under the new Code of Conduct, we do not publicly address specific cases. You should seek professional advice in a proper way.
All the best!
Hi Jack,
I will appreciate if you could please make me understand the attached visa condition for my dad.
My dad came in Australia on 4th April 2022 and left Australia on 10th Sep 2022. He is planning to come in Australia on 10th Feb 2023. I am just wondering how long he can stay here from 10th Feb 2023.
Here are the Visa Details:
Date of grant 16 February 2022
Must not arrive after 16 February 2023
Length of stay 12 month(s) from the date of each arrival
Travel Multiple entries
Visa summary
Date of birth 06 January 1944
Visa Visitor (subclass 600)
Stream Tourist
Date of grant -16 February 2022
Visa grant number 1069585263800
Passport (or other travel
document) number
Passport (or other travel
document) country-
Application ID -310646013
Transaction reference number EGORQS744Y
Visitor (subclass 600) visa conditions
Maximum 12 months stay in 18 months (visa condition 8558) and
Maintain health insurance (visa condition 8501)
Dear Rupesh,
Under the new code of conduct, we are not allowed to address specific case unless you are our client.
Your may refer to our webpage below for the calculation of Condition 8558:
Kind regards,
I am looking to get my mother over to Australia to live permanently. She currently holds a 600 Visitors Visa with just a 8101 no work condition. She wants to come over and apply for the 864 visa. Do you think there will be any issues obtaining a bridging visa and the 864 visa based on the 8101 condition? (she does not want to work, as she is 69 and retired). Also another question, I know she needs to be sponsored by an eligible child. She only has two daughters (one in Dubai and me ) however I am not working but my husband is. Is he able to sponsor her instead of me? He is Australian and I am a Permanent Resident, will be obtaining my citizenship next year and both my kids hold AU/South African passports.
I need to know more about your circumstances before I am able to provide you with proper advice. I may assist you in exploring all the available options for you to consider. Please book an appointment as it takes some time to convey the related knowledge.
Hi Jack, my parents are in the 103 queue and will soon be released for processing. (Currently previous month is released already). My dad had an aneurism discovered on an abdominal artery and just had a surgery to fix it, and a stent put in his heart in preparation for this surgery. He is currently recovering from the surgery. I am worried about the timing and that he won’t pass the medical and 12 years of wait will be wasted. Do you know if a surgery like that still leaves him a chance to be approved and also if we can delay the processing until he is fully recovered (maybe 6 months)? thank you
Thanks for your message. The medical exam is an objective test. If an applicant’s medical expenses assessed by the medical officer are over $51,000, the applicant will fail the test, and the application will be rejected. We cannot address your case without sufficient information. You may want to consult a professional or book an appointment with us for specific advice.
My mother will apply for 143 visa, onshore, and include my sister (currently holds student visa). My questions:
1) will they get bridging visa while waiting for 143 outcome?
2) if not, can my mother get a tourist visa while waiting for 143 outcome?
3) can my sister get a student visa (masters) while waiting for 143 outcome?
4) can my sister get a work visa 485 after Uni and while waiting for 143 outcome?
I await your reply.
Dear Bianca,
Thanks for your queries. We are unable to address a specific case. However, we can provide some generic information for your reference. You should seek professional advice regarding your case.
There is no bridging visa associated with the new 143 visa applications. An applicant can apply for a 600/870 visa while having a pending 143 application, but he/she must satisfy the related visa criteria to get it granted. 485/500 student visa will be under the same constraints as above.
Kind regards,
Thanks so much, Jack!
Just to clarify – will applying for the 600 or 485/500 (while waiting for 143 outcome) supersede the 143 application? Because I read ‘if [they] apply for more than one visa.. then the one granted recently will make the earlier visa not valid’. I’m confused. Pls clarify.
A new substantive visa will replace the old one, if there is any. A person can only have one substantive visa at any one point in time. However, a person can have a substance visa and a bridging visa at the same time while the bridging visa is dormant. A new valid application has no effect on a current pending visa application.
I want to apply for a Non-Contributory Parent Visa for my 67yo mother-in-law, my husband is an only child. She will apply for this offshore, I’m not sure which parent visa is most suitable subclass 103 or 804? I think 804 can only be applied onshore is that right? If that’s the case that the only option for us is the 103?
Dear Karen,
Yes, 804 can only be done onshore. However, 804 has bridging visa benefits, while 103 does not. You are encouraged to seek professional advice for a proper option. For example, whether your mother-in-law is eligible for an aged-dependent relative visa, or what are the prerequisites to apply for a visa onshore.
Kind regards,
Would you be able to provide some understanding on how this 18 month period on visa 600 work. My mom was granted the tourist visa 600 on 31st Jan 2022 and must not arrive after 31 Jan 2025 with a 8558 condition. Her first arrival on this visa was:
1. 7th April 2022 and left 27 July 2022
2. 13th Feb 2023 and left 12th Dec 2023.
Now she intends to arrive back on 25th Feb 2024. Please advise on durations and how long can she actually stay to?
In accordance with your information, the visa holder seems to be allowed to stay around 60 days only to comply with Condition 8558. You may want to seek professional advice.
Hi Jack,
I am a permanent resident, my brother a citizen.
My parents are in the UK and I would like them to come here for a long period. My father has had a stroke and has lhs paralysis.
I was looking into the 870 visa. Do you know if he is otherwise ‘healthy’ if he would pass the medical and be suitable for this visa? My mother is in good health.
Thanks for your post. An applicant can pass the medical exam if the total medical expenses are estimated to be under $51,000 for the period of an 870 visa. Please book an appointment so that I can provide a confidential discussion.
Hi Jack, I have an Australian PR (Subclass 186) and my visa is expiring in Nov 2024. I would like to apply for a RRV, but I have not fulfilled my 2 years out of 5 years stay as i am working overseas. I have only stayed for just over 600 days. Can I check how can I build my case for RRV application and how much are the costs associated for your services, application, etc? Thank you.
Dear Kevin,
A PR holder must either demonstrate that they have substantive ties with Australia that benefit Australia or have a PR or citizen partner to get their RRV if they don’t satisfy the 2-year residency rule.
As each case has its own merits, you may want to seek professional advice or book an appointment with us. We charge a fixed price for a standard matter:
I’ve been hearing great things about you. I have a question on 143 visa.
1. We’ve lodged our 143 visa on Aug 2020, I just noticed that the wait time on the website now is 14 years. Wondering if you could help us with a better estimate based on our application date.
2. Is there another visa my parents can apply for so that they can be in Australia while waiting for the 143 to be approved?
While an applicant is waiting for a pending 143 visa application, she/he may apply for other types of visa, like 600, 870, 482 etc., depending on the applicant’s background.
For specific advice, you may want to consult a professional or book an online appointment with us.
Hi Jack, Hope you are well. My Mom is 59 years of age and is currently in Australia on Visa class / subclass FA / 600 which is ending on 1st Dec (she entered AUS on early Dec 2019 and had a 1 yr extension of Tourist Visa due to COVID19). I had 2 questions: 1) Can I apply 143 visa for her before applying for extension of tourist Visa and is she eligible for getting a Bridging Visa after that? 2) Can she continue staying here for longer by applying for an extension of her tourist visa / bridging visa with after her 143 visa application has been lodged OR any other Visa? Let me know if this requires me to book an appointment with you, ok to do so.
Thanks Aakash for booking an appointment with us.
As discussed, unfortunately, Bridging visa A is not available for 143 applications made after 24 March 2021.
Depending on the conditions attached on the current tourist visa, if there’s no 8503 condition, your mother can apply for an extension with a new visa like another tourist visa, student visa, or 870 visa.
Hi ,
I am planning to apply 143 visa for parents who are indian citezens.
How much is the service fee if we apply through you?
Usually , what is the processing time for 143 visa?
Currently, the processing time for a new 143 visa application is around 15 years, as the government only releases 3600 visas a year
Hello, my father is 74 years old and we have applied for 143 visa in December 2020.
What would be our best option to get him here ASAP and get a bridging visa?
thank you
I’ll need to know more about your circumstances before I am able to provide you with proper advice. I may assist you in exploring all the available options for you to consider. There are some feasible options that can get your father here and have a bridging visa granted.
Hi, Jack,
I have received you details from FB page,
I and my wife applied visa class143 in 15 May 2017. We have only daughter and she is Citizen and still no news about the visa, We are in Australia from20th March 2020 continuously still here and having Visa class 600 valid till 09 June 2022. Now My question is, can we apply a brigging visa to continue stay till we get our 143 processed and get grant letter, as we do not want to go back to home country. Pls reply.
Waiting your reply with solution,
Have a Good week end.
Thanks & Regards
Dear Bipin, thanks for your enquiry. Please forward me the following to, and we’ll offer you a free assessment for the eligibility.
• your 143 acknowledgement letter from the Department
• your visa grant letter at the time when the 143 application was submitted
• your current 600 visa valid grant letter or any other valid visa
• when you last entered Australia (like flight ticket receipt)
Hi Jack,
Hope you are well , heard a lot about you and your work ethics from friends . Just had a query and would appreciate if you could respond
My mother is 76 years old and currently in Australia on a visitors visa 600 sub class . I am planning to apply for her 884 visa (Temp contributory aged parent Visa) and had a few queries
1) As soon as we apply for 884 (as she is currently in Australia) will she get a bridging visa immediately on her application till we await the outcome of the application, assuming there is a wait period of 1.5 to 2 years to get the 884 Visa.
2) Also if she gets a bridging visa (till she is granted the 884 visa) will she be eligible for Medicare while on the bridging visa
3) Once we receive the Medicare on 884 visa (884 visa is valid for 2 years) and apply for 864 visa (total wait period is 5 years) . Can we still get the Medicare renewed after 884 visa period is over and awaiting response on 864 visa application (after 2 years of receiving 884 visa and awaiting response post application on 864 visa)
4) For 884 visa when do we need to pay the initial $33K – first payment , after the 884 is granted with 1.5 to 2 years wait period ? or when we immediately apply for 884 visa – when we receive the bridging visa
5) Assuming the first payment for 884 Visa is around $33K and when we apply for 864 visa and the 864 visa is granted we pay the remaining $19 k . Does this amount ($33k + $19K) include the Assurance of support or is this separate over and above this amount ?
Note my mother does not have a 8503 condition on her visa
Thanks for your kind words.
You may consider applying for 884. However, the waiting time will be much longer than 2 years. It may be over 15 years now. You may ascertain your medicare eligibility by contacting Centerlink as it’s out of our scope of services.
To explore all the available options like 804/884/864, or other possible options, I need to know more about your circumstances, please book an appointment with us. I will explain to you in detail.
Hi Jack
My parents (both aged 73) have a Tourist Stream Visa 600 issued on Feb 27, 2019 and Visa Expiry Date being Feb 27, 2022. They have visited Australia on this from Aug 2019 to Feb 2020.
The following conditions exist –
8501 – Maintain health insurance
8558 – Maximum 12 months stay in 18 months
8503 – No further stay
8101 – No work
8201 – Maximum three months study
They would be travelling and visiting Sydney on Nov 23, 2021 and I have booked their return ticket on Feb 25, 2022
My question is categorised under – Short Term Goal and Long Term Goal, as below:
Short Term – I am wanting their stay to be longer and stay for a total of 6-10 months.
Long Term – I am wanting the 8503 condition to be waived off so that i can apply 864 and also bridging (during this visit of theirs).
Appreciate your guidance here and if the above are doable then can proceed.
Best Regards
Regarding your queries:
1. The expiry date on the VEVO will be changed once your parents’ enter Australia. It will become 12 months from the date of entry.
2. The Department will not process your 8503 removal application toward the end of the expiry date. Also, the exceptional reasons should be based on the time towards the end of the visa. A lot of things will change in a year and we cannot provide you with specific advice until that time.
3. Generally, condition 8503 is very difficult to be waived. The alternative option is to apply for a new 6-months tourist visa for your parents now with all the related documents to address the Genuine Temporary Entrants criteria in the hope of getting one without the condition 8503. In any event, your parents will be required to do a medical examination.
Hi Jack
I had put my detailed question few hours back, it has completely disappeared from this section.
In such a case, how can i put my question pls ?
Hi Jack,
My husband and I are in Australia with 870 visa and have got covid concession bridging visa. We applied for the 143 visa in Aug. 23rd 2017. I have couple of questions as below.
1. Can I work and get medicare with the covid concession bridging visa?
2. Is there any effective way to escalate 143 cap increase issue to the government? I know there are over 9000 applicants queued between May and June 2017 which will take 2 and half years to process their 143 visa under 3600 cap a year.
Thank you for your answer in advance.
There’s not sufficient information.
1. Medicare is out of our service scope of immigration assistance. Please find below the official web page for details:
2. The government makes the quota decision. Please refer to the following page to get the latest update of the issue:
My nephew (23 years) has been in Australia since April 2016. He came initially on tourist visa followed by student, 485 and got permanent residenship in May 2021. He is the only child and wants his mum to be here permanently as his father passed away in 2017. His mum is 51 so what would be the best visa to start with. He is happy to spend on contributory parent visa.
Any advice much appreciated
Dear M,
Thanks for your enquiry. Considering his mother’s age, there are few options available. Please note that the contributory parent takes around 20 years to process if your nephew decides to join the queue now. The situation can only be changed if the Department raises the quota. Now, there are over 70,000 contributory parents in the queue, and the current quota is 3600, where:
• 3475 – contributory parent visa
• 125 – retirees to contributory parent visa
And the non-contributory parent visa takes over 50 years to process.
Your nephew may consider lodging a parent visa and then consider an 870 visa, which will allow his mother to stay in Australia for up to 10 years.
Kind regards,
Thank you very much Jack. I will ask him to lodge a contributory parent visa and then an 870 visa.
Hi Jack
My mom is in Australia on Visitor visa 600 and end of her 12 months period which will be early March 2023 I was thinking to apply for Aged Parent Visa so that she could stay longer. But the confusion is this visa needs to be of pension age which is 67 born after 1 Jan 1957. Her DOB is 15 March 1957 so can I still apply for this visa when she will be 66 years and 6 months or can I apply only after she reach 67 that is after 15 march 2023 or only after 1 july 2023. Your help would be highly appreciated as its hard to understand this pension age for the application of this visa.
Thank you
Dear Liza,
If your mother was born on 15 Mar 1957, she can only apply for an aged parent visa after 15 Mar 2024, provided that she also meets other related criteria like not subject to 8503 condition etc.
Kind regards
Thanks Jack after 15 March 2024 or 2023? She will be 67 on 15 March 2023. Yes she does not have 8503 condition on her tourist visa.
Sorry Jack
Wrong calculation. You are right. Thanks a lot. Is there a way for her to apply for another visa to stay here more as she has the condition on this visa that in 18 months only 12 months stay. And this visa is still valid until 2025.
Dear Liza,
If you need specific advice, I’ll need to know more about your circumstances before I am able to provide you with proper advice. I may assist you in exploring all the available options for you to consider. Please book an appointment here, and make the consultation fee of $150 as required.
Kind regards,
Thanks Jack
in the foi that you have used for the calculator, it shows as queued month (for 103 visa)
is the queue date now the date of acknowlegement? meaning should we disregard the queue date we were given? as the date of acknowledgement and queue date are two years apart.
I am trying to decide if it worth to wait.
Dear Nel,
Yes, you should use the application date instead of the queue date. The queue date is not relevant for processing time calculation.
Kind regards,
Hi there,
Im an Australian Citizen, and I have been here for 7 years.
I want my family from Colombia to move here ASAP, I know there is not bridging visa associated with Contributory Parent visa 173 and 143 even if they are applied onshore. My mum moved to Colombia last year in December. She didn’t cancel her student visa, so her student visa expires in the middle of next year 2022. So my question is, -if my mum can include her husband in her student visa and get a student visa for my sister as well?
-And if there is any way my family can stay in Australia for a few years as a STUDENT while waiting for the parent visa 143 or 173? Or what other options do we have in order for them to live here while they receive the parent visa?
-Also, would it be better if they apply for SC173 first and then SC143 if we can’t afford $43,600 for EACH applicant because applying for SC173 is good to spread the costs across 2 years? but I have also read that if I apply for SC173 and then SC143 is more expensive? How much more expensive?
Can you please help me to answer these questions. I have been thinking about starting the application process as long as my parents can come here ASAP and stay here while waiting for the Contributory parent visa.
I would really appreciate your help,
Dear Angie,
Thanks for your enquiry. Your situation is fairly complicated. To ascertain your parents’ rights and obligations, you may want to book an appointment with us.
Kind regards,
Hi Jack, I have a question pertaining to citizenship . A few details before my question
I first entered Australia on a 189 PR Visa ( never visited Australia before this) on Dec 2nd 2017. I departed on 11 Dec 2017 and moved permanently to Australia in May 2022
When I enter the above dates of absence in the residency calculator , it asks me to re-apply in May 2025
The eligibility requirements state that one needs to be living in Australia for 4 years including last 12 months as a Permanent Resident
Based on the above , I would have expected the residency calculator to spit out a date in 2026
Is there an explanation for this discrepancy ?
Dear Dan,
To meet the residence requirement, you are required not to leave Australia for over 12 months in total for the past 4 years, and you must not be outside Australia for over 90 days for the past year.
Kind regards,
Hi Jack,
The travel permit on 189 PR visa expires in Oct 2022. My PR was issued in Oct 2017 but I only moved permanently to Australia in May 2022. I now need to travel overseas to care for my parents. I have a full time job in Australia since May 2022
What are the chances of me getting approved for a 1 year RRV ?
What documents should I provide to justify ties to Australia ?
Any “gotchas” I should be aware while filling up the form ?
I look forward to your reply
Dear Dan,
Every case is different. We are unable to comment on a specific case without sufficient background information. You may want to seek professional assistance.
Kind regards,
Hi Jack,
I am writing on behalf of my husband Venkata.
This visa is for my mother-in-law.
She is currently in Australia with us on Visa 600 without an 8503 visa condition and arrived in Australia in 2021 Dec. Her visa has a maximum stay of 12 months in 18 months period.
Both(That includes my husband) children are here as PR.
She had a brain stroke in 2017 with right-sided paralysis and she was here in Australia from January 2019 to October 2019 with a visa 600.
Now when she had come to Australia this time in Feb 2022 she had another Brain stroke which led to her Memory loss.
She has no caregiver in India, so we want to extend her stay to at least 3 yrs.
Please suggest us to how we can get her extension.
Let us know if we need to book an appointment to discuss this with you.
Dear Naga,
Thanks for your message. Generally, a visitor visa cannot be used as a residence visa unless the holder has exceptional reasons to justify the case. The residence requirement is provided under condition 8558. You may want to seek other options depending on your mother’s circumstances. You can book an appointment with us so that we can provide you with specific advice after knowing your situation.
Kind regards,
Hi Jack, I applied for my parents non- contributory visa subclass 103 back in 2014. Jack my question is:
” if I apply for contributory visa subclass 864 (onshore) now, will the immigration consider my waiting period (8 Years) when I applied Non Contributory Visa in 2014″.
My father is now 70 Years and my Mother is 67 Years old. My priority is that my parents should have Medicare as soon we apply the visa.
Dear Rajwant,
Under the current policy, if the switch from 103 to 864 is done properly, the time in the old queue will roll over, which means that the new parent visa application will be queued ahead of other existing contributory parent visas. As you are not our client, we cannot provide any specific advice under the Code of Conduct.
Kind regards,
according to the foi, for the non-contributory visa it seems to be based on the queue date, and not the acknowledgement date (as per the calculator on your website it is the acknowledgement date). can you please check.
FA 22/08/00394 – foi
Dear Nel,
Thanks for the feedback. The FOI was unclear about the number that has not been finalised yet. We have made our own request. The figures will be updated when we receive the statistics from the Department.
Kind regards,
Your information is wrong on the RRV page. You state:
If you enter Australia on 25 Jan 2020 and leave on 27 Jan 2020, during this period, your days staying in Australia is 2.
See where it states:
date of arrival and date of departure are both included in the count of days in Australia.
So 25 Jan 2020 to 27 Jan 2020 is 3 days, not 2 days.
Keep on trucking!
Dear Trucker,
Thanks for your information. The calculator has been updated accordingly.
Kind regards,
Hi Jack,
Happy New Year ! I’d like to explore if I qualify under the Ministerial Discretion program for Citizenship
I had a 189 residence visa issued to me back in Oct 2017. However, I only moved to Australia permanently in April 2022.
While overseas , I was in a long distance relationship with an Australian citizen from Sep 2020 onwards – We couldn’t meet up due to travel restrictions at the time and our contact was over chat and calls . After moving to Australia we got married and are now living together
Based on the above information – Can you comment or advise if I stand a chance to qualify under the Ministerial Discretion program ?
Dear Dan,
Under the new Code of Conduct, we do not publicly address specific cases. You should seek professional advice in a proper way.
All the best!
Hi Jack,
I will appreciate if you could please make me understand the attached visa condition for my dad.
My dad came in Australia on 4th April 2022 and left Australia on 10th Sep 2022. He is planning to come in Australia on 10th Feb 2023. I am just wondering how long he can stay here from 10th Feb 2023.
Here are the Visa Details:
Date of grant 16 February 2022
Must not arrive after 16 February 2023
Length of stay 12 month(s) from the date of each arrival
Travel Multiple entries
Visa summary
Date of birth 06 January 1944
Visa Visitor (subclass 600)
Stream Tourist
Date of grant -16 February 2022
Visa grant number 1069585263800
Passport (or other travel
document) number
Passport (or other travel
document) country-
Application ID -310646013
Transaction reference number EGORQS744Y
Visitor (subclass 600) visa conditions
Maximum 12 months stay in 18 months (visa condition 8558) and
Maintain health insurance (visa condition 8501)
Dear Rupesh,
Under the new code of conduct, we are not allowed to address specific case unless you are our client.
Your may refer to our webpage below for the calculation of Condition 8558:
Kind regards,
Good day
I hope you can help.
I am looking to get my mother over to Australia to live permanently. She currently holds a 600 Visitors Visa with just a 8101 no work condition. She wants to come over and apply for the 864 visa. Do you think there will be any issues obtaining a bridging visa and the 864 visa based on the 8101 condition? (she does not want to work, as she is 69 and retired). Also another question, I know she needs to be sponsored by an eligible child. She only has two daughters (one in Dubai and me ) however I am not working but my husband is. Is he able to sponsor her instead of me? He is Australian and I am a Permanent Resident, will be obtaining my citizenship next year and both my kids hold AU/South African passports.
Thanks so much!
Dear Bernice,
You may want to check the generic information on the following webpage:
I need to know more about your circumstances before I am able to provide you with proper advice. I may assist you in exploring all the available options for you to consider. Please book an appointment as it takes some time to convey the related knowledge.
Kind regards,
Hi Jack, my parents are in the 103 queue and will soon be released for processing. (Currently previous month is released already). My dad had an aneurism discovered on an abdominal artery and just had a surgery to fix it, and a stent put in his heart in preparation for this surgery. He is currently recovering from the surgery. I am worried about the timing and that he won’t pass the medical and 12 years of wait will be wasted. Do you know if a surgery like that still leaves him a chance to be approved and also if we can delay the processing until he is fully recovered (maybe 6 months)? thank you
Dear Olga,
Thanks for your message. The medical exam is an objective test. If an applicant’s medical expenses assessed by the medical officer are over $51,000, the applicant will fail the test, and the application will be rejected. We cannot address your case without sufficient information. You may want to consult a professional or book an appointment with us for specific advice.
Kind regards,
My mother will apply for 143 visa, onshore, and include my sister (currently holds student visa). My questions:
1) will they get bridging visa while waiting for 143 outcome?
2) if not, can my mother get a tourist visa while waiting for 143 outcome?
3) can my sister get a student visa (masters) while waiting for 143 outcome?
4) can my sister get a work visa 485 after Uni and while waiting for 143 outcome?
I await your reply.
Dear Bianca,
Thanks for your queries. We are unable to address a specific case. However, we can provide some generic information for your reference. You should seek professional advice regarding your case.
There is no bridging visa associated with the new 143 visa applications. An applicant can apply for a 600/870 visa while having a pending 143 application, but he/she must satisfy the related visa criteria to get it granted. 485/500 student visa will be under the same constraints as above.
Kind regards,
Thanks so much, Jack!
Just to clarify – will applying for the 600 or 485/500 (while waiting for 143 outcome) supersede the 143 application? Because I read ‘if [they] apply for more than one visa.. then the one granted recently will make the earlier visa not valid’. I’m confused. Pls clarify.
A new substantive visa will replace the old one, if there is any. A person can only have one substantive visa at any one point in time. However, a person can have a substance visa and a bridging visa at the same time while the bridging visa is dormant. A new valid application has no effect on a current pending visa application.
I want to apply for a Non-Contributory Parent Visa for my 67yo mother-in-law, my husband is an only child. She will apply for this offshore, I’m not sure which parent visa is most suitable subclass 103 or 804? I think 804 can only be applied onshore is that right? If that’s the case that the only option for us is the 103?
Dear Karen,
Yes, 804 can only be done onshore. However, 804 has bridging visa benefits, while 103 does not. You are encouraged to seek professional advice for a proper option. For example, whether your mother-in-law is eligible for an aged-dependent relative visa, or what are the prerequisites to apply for a visa onshore.
Kind regards,
Would you be able to provide some understanding on how this 18 month period on visa 600 work. My mom was granted the tourist visa 600 on 31st Jan 2022 and must not arrive after 31 Jan 2025 with a 8558 condition. Her first arrival on this visa was:
1. 7th April 2022 and left 27 July 2022
2. 13th Feb 2023 and left 12th Dec 2023.
Now she intends to arrive back on 25th Feb 2024. Please advise on durations and how long can she actually stay to?
Dear Ramesh,
Thanks for your post. You may check the compliance with our calculator:
In accordance with your information, the visa holder seems to be allowed to stay around 60 days only to comply with Condition 8558. You may want to seek professional advice.
Kind regards,
Hi Jack,
I am a permanent resident, my brother a citizen.
My parents are in the UK and I would like them to come here for a long period. My father has had a stroke and has lhs paralysis.
I was looking into the 870 visa. Do you know if he is otherwise ‘healthy’ if he would pass the medical and be suitable for this visa? My mother is in good health.
Dear Michelle,
Thanks for your post. An applicant can pass the medical exam if the total medical expenses are estimated to be under $51,000 for the period of an 870 visa. Please book an appointment so that I can provide a confidential discussion.
Kind regards,
Thank you Jack. Will do.
Hi Jack, I have an Australian PR (Subclass 186) and my visa is expiring in Nov 2024. I would like to apply for a RRV, but I have not fulfilled my 2 years out of 5 years stay as i am working overseas. I have only stayed for just over 600 days. Can I check how can I build my case for RRV application and how much are the costs associated for your services, application, etc? Thank you.
Dear Kevin,
A PR holder must either demonstrate that they have substantive ties with Australia that benefit Australia or have a PR or citizen partner to get their RRV if they don’t satisfy the 2-year residency rule.
As each case has its own merits, you may want to seek professional advice or book an appointment with us. We charge a fixed price for a standard matter:
Hi Jack,
I’ve been hearing great things about you. I have a question on 143 visa.
1. We’ve lodged our 143 visa on Aug 2020, I just noticed that the wait time on the website now is 14 years. Wondering if you could help us with a better estimate based on our application date.
2. Is there another visa my parents can apply for so that they can be in Australia while waiting for the 143 to be approved?
Thanks again for your help!
Dear Jason,
Thanks for your kind comments. You can use our free queue calculator to do a rough estimation:
While an applicant is waiting for a pending 143 visa application, she/he may apply for other types of visa, like 600, 870, 482 etc., depending on the applicant’s background.
For specific advice, you may want to consult a professional or book an online appointment with us.
All the best!