RRV Days Calculator PR Days Calculator By using this online form, you agree that: • you have read and understood the contents of the privacy statement (https://starimmigration.com.au/privacy-policy/)• you have read and understood the contents of the disclaimer (https://starimmigration.com.au/terms-conditions/)• you agree with the following assumptions:* If you entered Australia on 25 Jan 2020 and left on 27 Jan 2020, during this period, your days staying in Australia is 3.* 12 months is equal to 365 days.• Star Immigration Consultancy is not responsible for the loss of any unsaved information.(You may create a free account and save your data for review in future.) Terms and conditions I agree If you were in Australia on the date of 5 years before from today holding a valid PR visa, please enter the date of 5 years before today as your First Entry Date. If your recent PR was cancelled, you are not eligible for a resident return visa. Input the relevant dates to calculate instantly Entry Date * Exit Date(Today if in AU) * Days in Australia Add Remove Total Days in Australia You might be eligible for a 5 year travel validity on your visa. You might be eligible for a maximum of 12 months travel validity on your visa depending on your substantial ties that benefit Australia, or other exceptions if available. Disclaimer: This is not legal advice nor immigration advice. For your visa matter, you may contact us for assistance. Submit